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Supporting Victims

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Supporting Victims provides support and information services to victims of crime in North Yorkshire. Supporting Victims was launched by the PCC following the first comprehensive Victims Needs Assessment. Supporting Victims can provide support for anyone affected by crime including victims, bereaved relatives, parents or guardians of victims under 18 and members of staff where a business has been a victim of crime. Emotional and practical support can be offered over the telephone and / or face to face by trained staff; referral with consent to specialist victim services provided through partners; signposting to other support organisations.




01609 643100


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Support services

Supporting Victims provides the following support services:

Emotional Support,  Practical Help,  Counselling,  Services for Children and Young People,  Financial Support,  Advocacy.

Crime types

Supporting Victims works within the following crime types:

Domestic Violence/Abuse,  Sexual Violence/Abuse,  Homicide,  Modern Slavery/Trafficking,  Child Sexual Exploitation/Abuse (CSE/CSA),  Hate Crime,  Forced Marriage/'Honour-Based' Violence,  Fraud,  Anti-Social Behaviour,  Burglary,  Stalking,  Road Victims,  General Offences - (Violence, Theft, etc.),  Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

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Regions covered

Supporting Victims serves the following regions:

North Yorkshire.

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